About ACoSt


To become a member




ACoSt Membership


Membership in the Association for Coroplastic Studies (ACoSt) is open to anyone with an interest in the study of terracotta figurines and other sculptural objects in clay. Although formed by classical archaeologists working at ancient sites around the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas, the ACoSt welcomes those scholars conducting research on terracotta figurines from other areas of the world, such as Central and South America, Africa, south-east Asia, and the Pacific rim. We also extend membership to colleagues in anthropology, history, and religious studies, among other disciplines.

To become a member please contact:
Professor Jaimee Uhlenbrock (uhlenbrj@newpaltz.edu)
and provide a brief sentence on your areas of interest


Marina Albertocchi

Ca' Foscari University, Venice


Terracottas of Sicily

Silvia Alfaye Villa University of Zaragoza silvia.alfaye@gmail.com Iberian terracottas
Alexandros Andreou University of Athens satyriskos@gmail.com Hellenistic and Roman terracotta figurines from the deposits around the Sanctuary of the Nymph at the South Slope of the Acropolis (Greece)
Loïc Androuin EPHE-PSL (ANHIMA) loic.androuin0@orange.fr Roman coroplasty in Autun (France, Burgundy)

Rebecca Ammerman (ACoSt Executive Committee)

Colgate University


Terracottas from south Italy

Erica Morais Angliker

University of London


Terracottas from the Cyclades (Greece)


Agnes Bencze Pázmány Péter Catholic University agneseb33@gmail.com Terracottas of south Italy
Eukene Bilbao Zubiri École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) eukene.bilbao@gmail.com Terracottas from south Italy
Geltrude Bizzaro Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” geltrudebizzarro@gmail.com Terracottas of south Italy
Barbara Bolognani Hebrew University of Jerusalem barbarabolognani@gmail.com Iron Age clay figurines from Karkemish, Lebanon and Israel
Heather Bowyer Arizona State University hbowyer@asu.edu Terracotta and bronze grotesque figurines from the Hellenistic periodErica Morais Angliker


Romna Carboni

University of Caglari

romina_123@libero.it/td> Cults and votive offerings from ancient Sardiniay
Nicola Cucuzza University of Genoa Nicola.cucuzza@lettere.unige.it Minoan and Mycenaean figurines


Maria Dikomitou

University of Cyprus

m_dikomitou@yahoo.com/td> Cypriote terracottas, archaeometry
Vasileia Dimitrakopoulou University of Athens vassia7@gmail.com  Terracottas and Coroplastic Workshops, especially from the Athenian Agora and Abdera



Adi Erlich
(ACoSt Executive Committee)

University of Haifa aerlich@research.haifa.ac.il Terracottas from Israel and the Levant
Sophie Feret

Université de Montpellier

sofiferet@gmail.com Hellenistic terracottas of central Italy
David Frankfurter Boston University dtmf@bu.edu Terracotta figurines in Roman and Christian Egypt
Estelle Galbois

Université de Toulouse

estelle.galbois@univ-tlse2.fr/td> Greco-Roman terracottas from Tebtynis (Egypt)
Frances Gallart-Marques Cornell University fg29@cornell.edu Terracottas of Sardis
Vassiliki Georgaka Greek Ministry of Culture-First Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Studies vgeorgaka@culture.gr Archaic Attic terracottas
Frauke Gutschke Germany fraukegutschke@web.de Jointed dolls
Isabelle Hasselin Rous Musée du Louvre isabelle.hasselin@louvre.fr

Terracottas of Smyrna

Keely Heuer

State University of New York, New Paltz heuerk@newpaltz.edu The relationship Greek between pottery and figurines in south Italy
Emily Hollywood Northamptonshire emij_100@hotmail.co.uk The significance of votive terracottas to women's rituals within the Cult of Demeter and Kore
Regine Hunziker-Rodewald University of Strasbourg regine.hunziker@orange.fr Iron Age figurines from Jordan
Stéphanie Huysecom-Haxhi
(ACoSt Vice-President)
CNRS, ARsCAn stephanie.huysecom-haxhi@cnrs.fr Terracottas from Thasos (Greece), from Dürres (Albania)

Stelios Ieremias Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports stelieremias@gmail.com Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
Violaine Jeammet Musée du Louvre Violaine.Jeammet@louvre.fr Greek terracottas
Kandassamy Emily PhD, French student at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Institut Français de la Mode in Paris kandassamy.emily@gmail.com Garment, movement and posture of the terracottas figurines coming from Tanagra and Thasos in Greece, created from 6th to 3rd century BC.
Sven Kielau
(ACoSt Executive Committee)
Independent researcher sven_kielau@yahoo.de Hellenistic terracottas of Asia Minor
Raz Kletter Israel kletterr@gmail.com Bronze and Iron Age terracottas of the Near East
Sonia Klinger University of Haifa klinger@research.haifa.ac.il Terracottas of Corinth (Greece), Roman terracottas of Israel
Nadia B. Knudsen  United Kingdom ganchat3@hotmail.com Early Bronze Age zoomorphic figurines from the Levant


Stéphanie Langin-Hooper Southern Methodist University langinhooper@smu.edu Figurines hellénistiques de Mésopotamie, miniaturisation
Mireia López-Bertran University of Glasgow mireia_lopez@hotmail.com Phoenician and Punic figurines in the western Mediterranean


Pauline Maillard École suisse d'archéologie en Grèce Pauline.Maillard@unil.ch Cypriot terracottas from the classical period ; Euboean terracotta production (Eretria and Amarynthos, all periods)
Christina Marangou Greece chrmarangou@yahoo.gr  Mainly prehistoric terracottas of Greece and neighboring regions

Natacha Massar

Royal Museums of Arts and History, Brussels natacam@gmail.com Terracotta figured vases, pathological representationsy
Alexandre G. Mitchell Institute of Archaeology, Oxford info@expressum.eu Greco-Roman terracotta figurines, particularly caricature and pathological grotesques

Emily C. Mohr

Duke University emily.mohr@duke.edu Women in antiquity, Greek sculpture, Tanagra figurines, performance
Christine Morris Trinity College Dublin cmorris@tcd.ie Aegean Bronze Age terracotta figurines, especially from Minoan peak sanctuaries
Arthur Muller Université de Lille arthur.muller@univ-lille.fr Greek and Albania terracottas
Marion Muller-Dufeu Université de Lille mmullerdufeu@sfr.fr Greek and Albania terracottas

Maya Muratov

Adelphi University mbm224@nyu.edu Terracottas from Pantikapaion

Beth Nakhai

University of Arizona, Tucson bnakhai@email.arizona.edu Lives of women in antiquity

Giorgos Papantoniou Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
papantog@tcd.ie Archaic to Roman terracottas from Cyprus
Antonella Pautasso (ACoSt Executive Committee) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali, Catania Pautasso@unict.it Terracottas of Sicily

Aura Piccioni

Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt aura.piccioni@gmail.com Terracottas of West Greece
Serena Raffiotta Italy serenaraffiotta@gmail.com Terracottas of Sicily


Gina Salapata
(ACoSt Secretary)
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand g.salapata@massey.ac.nz Terracotta plaques from Laconia (Greece)

Sven Schipporeit

Universität Wien svent.schipporeit@gmail.com Greek terracottas and ritual in the Classical and Hellenistic periods

Nancy Serwint

Arizone State University, Tempe nancy.serwint@asu.edu

Terracottas of Marion (Cyprus)

Maria Spathi Society of Messenian Archaeological Studies maria.spathi@hotmail.com Greek Terracottas



Mannes College of Music New School (New York)Glen Velez
glenvelez@me.com Musician Terracotta figurines
Jaimee Uhlenbrock
(ACoSt President)
State Unversity of New York, New Paltz uhlenbrj@newpaltz.edu Greek terracottas of Libya and Sicily


ACoSt Research
ACoSt Membership